Abu Soear City Road
Part of the Egyptian National Roads and Bridges plan to develop and enhance the transportation sector in Egypt, Construction of Abou Soear –Ismailia highway to serve as the main artery for Ismailia City carrying out demolition activities on the existing asphalt and earthwork for the service road in the north direction of the road.
Scope of work
Construction of Abou Soear –Ismailia highway to serve as the main artery for Ismailia City, including main asphalt road, 12 kilometers in length and 13 meters wide each way, and service road, 12 kilometers of asphalt and 18 kilometers of concrete road, 10 meters wide each way.
The Road construction involves the use of asphalt, liquid asphalt, concrete, soil stabilization, rebar, paving and pavement recycling machines, and other road repair materials.